- Ph.D. project at Dolbow Lab, Duke University
- Developed with RACCOON, an open-source finite-element code tailored for phase-field fracture modeling, built on the MOOSE framework.
- A comprehensive computational framework is developed for simulating crack nucleation and growth in materials subjected to dynamic loads. The framework builds upon and extends recent advancements in phase-field models, incorporating an arbitrary material strength via an external driving force in the evolution equation for the phase field. The proposed framework is validated against a broad range of benchmark problems and experimental observations in dynamic fracture.
Liu, Yangyuanchen. 2024. “A Computational Framework for Simulating Crack Nucleation and Growth in Materials Subjected to Dynamic Loads.” Duke University. PhD thesis.
Liu, Yangyuanchen, Oscar Lopez-Pamies, and John E. Dolbow. 2024. “On the Effects of Material Strength in Dynamic Fracture: A Phase-Field Study.” arXiv Preprint. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2411.16393.